
Pages and images tagged ‘storms’


Results 1-12 of 77


Results 1-12 of 13

Photographs of stormy weather over New York City.
Photographs of dramatic skies from the USA and the UK.
Photographs taken along the Hudson River in April 2022.
A much-trumpeted winter storm delivers only a few inches of snow to New York.
Photographs of stormy weather in New York, NY
The Boxing Day snowstorm was brief but spectacular, and left New York covered with snow and disabled vehicles.
A small sample of the damage done by Hurricane Irene.
The summer thunderstorms bring some impressive cloud formations to New York.
Photographs of skies, lightning and rainbows
Photographs of damage caused by Isaias in New York
Photographs of unusual weather in New York City
Dust is everywhere on the playa.
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Example: animals